Saturday 19 March 2011

My new Atlanta abode

Hi guys! First update from Atlanta, Georgia, USA! I flew in yesterday afternoon after a looooong 10-hour flight, which fortunately was calm and as comfortable as 10 hours in coach can be. (Just a little piece of advice: if you ever do a long flight with Delta, bring along some cookies or something... they hardly gave us any food. One full meal on a 10-hour flight? I'm not that big an eater, but if even I left that plane hungry, then I don't want to know about the big guys with the equivalent appetites.)

Erin picked me up at the airport and drove me to my temporary lodgings in Midtown. I'm renting a cute little condo for a month in a beautiful neighbourhood with houses & gardens. Here's where I'm staying for the next few weeks. Let's take a tour!

I wake up this morning, peek through the blinds, and what do I see? SQUIRREL!

This is the living room. The apartment is on the first floor of a cute low-rise building (I'll post a picture of the building later.)

And this is the other side of the living room, with the entrance door to the left and the door to the kitchen on the right.

This is the kitchen - I love the black-and-white tiles on the floor. I've already stocked the freezer with Trader Joe's meatless corn dogs for National Corn Dog Day tonight. And I got a bag of bagels.
When in Rome...

This is the other side of the kitchen. The vase of tulips remind me of my cousin Silvia who loves tulips.

This is the door from the living room into the hallway that leads to the bathroom and bedrooms. Sorry for the wonky lines - I was too lazy to take off the wide angle lense for this one picture. Go with the flow!

This is the bathroom. That cute duck there is called Andrew. No kidding - he's got a name tag around his neck and all.

And this is my bedroom! The bed is so soft, it's heavenly.

And this is the other side of my bedroom, with a little desk and a chest of drawers. And a picture of a handsome naked guy.

And in an effort to show you every nook and cranny of my abode, a picture of my bedroom door to the hallway. I'm all if not thorough.

This, I think, is the cutest corner of apartment. Gifts, memories, bling, and me!

And that's all so far! Stay tuned!


  1. What a lovely place to stay. It will make you feel at home!

  2. Thanks Jesse! I feel at home strangely fast. Everything here is so different, yet really the same. If that makes sense at all. :-)

  3. Ohh ziet er super gezellig uit! En zo'n mooi weer precies! Heel veel plezier en tot skypes!
