Thursday 24 March 2011

My cubicle

Should you care to know:
this is where I spend my work days.
I haven't met the occupant of this cubicle yet.
But I approve of the poster.

The other two people I share my cubicle with are Menna from Ethiopia and Thorsten from Germany, both really nice people. They're taking me out shopping on Saturday, because apparently Thorsten threw all his jeans in the dryer and they all shrunk... so he needs alotta new jeans.


  1. Cubicle's are really cute!

    But I can't see any windows? Is that an American thing?

  2. Nope, no windows if you're a grad student... they like to keep some incentives for you to actually finish your dissertation. (Not like us... we already have the nice office. When we graduate, all we'll have is more work.)

  3. smart people those Americans!
